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Racist Ireland 2015

You'd have to be living under a rock not to be aware that the refugee situation/problem/crisis, call it what you will - is a huge new...

Cliona Kelliher 12 Sept, 2015 12

My Week in Pictures - September

If I could sum up the last week, the one word I'd use would be tiredness, not a great word to sum up a week perhaps but it hasn't...

Cliona Kelliher 8 Sept, 2015 7

Chalk Paint Projects and Upcycled Candles

Well I've been quiet lately but not totally quiet behind the scenes. If you read my posts you'll know I've been ill and the re...

Cliona Kelliher 27 Aug, 2015 13

Glasgow Trip - Charles Rennie Mackintosh and so much more!

I'm not long back from a great trip to Glasgow city - I've always wanted to visit Scotland, probably more so the highlands and Sc...

Cliona Kelliher 17 Aug, 2015 14

Go Set A Watchman - A Review.

Go Set A Watchman. Although I was a voracious reader in my youth and read all around me, somehow ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ stayed...

Cliona Kelliher 26 Jul, 2015 8