mental health

Autistic Burnout, Rock Pools and Other Thoughts

This is going to be a bit of a meandering post, as mine often are.  I appreciate that this isn't particularly algorithm friendly but in...

Cliona Kelliher 30 Sept, 2024

Carotid Artery Dissection - Helen's Story

This is the second in my carotid artery dissection guest posts and this time I'm very grateful to hear Helen's story. When I embarke...

Cliona Kelliher 24 Oct, 2020

Recovery From Trauma - Finding The Way

First of all, I’m clearly not a professional so if you are struggling with mental health issues of any kind, do go talk to your doctor or a ...

Cliona Kelliher 7 Jun, 2019 21

The Positivity Trap, why being positive doesn't always work.

This is a topic I've wanted to write for some time but couldn't quite formulate what I needed to say or clarify the jumbled up ...

Cliona Kelliher 10 Sept, 2016 12

Extreme Fatigue after Carotid Artery Dissection

I was partly inspired to write this after reading a wonderful post by Zoe of   I Believe in Romeo .  The post was entitled Perfection is ...

Cliona Kelliher 21 Oct, 2015 14