
Reflections on a Year Post Autism Diagnosis: Navigating a New Identity

I realised recently that it has been just over a year since getting my autism diagnosis and I had a lot of thoughts about this.  It's b...

Cliona Kelliher 27 Jun, 2023

Autism and Epistemic Injustice

'In what ways are autistic people seen as ‘other’? Epistemic injustice, neuro norms and white supremacy; the role of autistic people i...

Cliona Kelliher 15 Jun, 2023

The long road to burnout and changing direction

Burnout is a word that is thrown about a lot. I think we use the word often to express tiredness or perhaps  disillusion with our work or l...

Cliona Kelliher 5 Mar, 2023 2

Neurodiversity and Recruitment

As a late diagnosed autistic person, and with a new qualification (Master's in Climate Change), I've tentatively been considering l...

Cliona Kelliher 2 Feb, 2023