
Neurodiversity and Recruitment

As a late diagnosed autistic person, and with a new qualification (Master's in Climate Change), I've tentatively been considering l...

Cliona Kelliher 2 Feb, 2023

2022 in Review, a Master's, an Autism Diagnosis and Advocacy on Climate and Citizen Participation

I don't do a year in review annually but this past 12 months has been so full on and amazing in many ways, that I wanted to try and sum...

Cliona Kelliher 13 Dec, 2022

Autistic Communication and the Double Empathy Problem

'The ‘double empathy problem’: a disjuncture in reciprocity between two differently disposed social actors which becomes more marked th...

Cliona Kelliher 18 Oct, 2022

Getting an Autism Diagnosis as an Adult

So this is not news to a lot of people as I had been slowly telling friends that I was pursuing an autism diagnosis and last week it was off...

Cliona Kelliher 28 May, 2022 2